

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! I'm so glad I've finally started uploading regularly. I have so many ideas! This is going to be a good year.

Mood: Hopeful


I'm back! I've been doing so much and trying to finish so much. i'm so excited to start posting soon but i want to get everything as final as i can. but i really really want to post more covers soon, and i'm learning how to do a ton of other stuff so i really hope i can get that posted soon.

sadly progress on initiating contact has been slow but i have been experiencing a lot of interference with my signal. i'll have to investigate that. does anyone know anything about frequency interference that could help me? I might have identified one source of it but i'm not sure what kind of wavelength it would even be operating on.


Ok... it's been a while since I've been back here... really I forgot I was keeping these entries. But not a lot has happened! I think I'm going to keep leaving the year off these entries, it just makes it more believable that this is a time capsule... like it could be the fourth month of any year. It fits with the site better. But I'm trying my best to get some of my music together... soon!

Light reading


Continuing to update here has made me less bored but I still have no contact. Getting discouraged but I have some plans for what I want to do while I'm stuck here...! And I've been creating some things too, I might start uploading videos soon since I figured that's another good way to make a record of my experiences here... I'm excited! And I don't know what to do about this site sometimes, I change my mind about some of this design stuff so fast. Oh well, making this website was mostly just a reference to keep bits of code for me to refer back to. I think that's the best way to explain why it exists...

Light reading


Uuuuughhhh, i know i'm supposed to update this only occasionally but i'm so addicted... lol! i want to fill out this site already...! but i think i'll only really try to update it when something big happens, and not every day... so that i could really remember the best moments. I'm not sure... i just know i want to be able to let memories stay where they belong. I think i could stay here forever but... if i never left my home, i never would have found this place too.


Well, i think i'm all set up here. i'm pretty happy with how it looks! ^_^ I've been doing more research on crash sites to try and see if there's a way i can somehow contact my home planet, no luck... but i'm on planet auri now it seems with this website, so not all is lost...! humans sure do have a lot to say about aliens if you know where to look...! hmm...

And i've been doing some interesting reading too... along with finding all of those cute little images that i'm putting everywhere. it's so nice that some sites still have this kind of layout. everything else is so boring! I'll make sure to post new entries like this... and keep dates on them. That's the whole point of a record afterall, huh!